Friday, December 3, 2010

[Post:9] 192

           A symbol for my character, David Carver, can be many different things. But, the one I pick for him is a christian cross. I pick a cross, because he has a strong connection to god and also when he prays, he usually gets talked back to from someone in his mind. He thinks its god and it may be god, but we aren't too sure yet. He has been praying ever since his best friend Brian, nearly died in a car accident, and that reason  is that David suspects that he had saved Brian.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

[Post:8] 165

            The effect the literature has on the audience in my IRB. It is very confusing in the beginning, but later on you understand more and get more curious about the characters.  Like, i feel like i am suppose to help the characters when they get arrested by the phycotic cop and get taken back to the jail in Desperation. It sets a worrying feeling into my stomach and I still yet read the book to find out what happpens to each character. I seem to feel what the character feel and i try and think of what they would do next, based on their personality and thoughts so far.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

[Post:7] Desperation: Stephen King

           My IRB book Desperation by Stephen King has a theme of Crazyiness in it, so far. When a couple named Peter and Mary Jackson go on a trip to Nevada to get a car from there and bring the car back to New York to give it to their sister. But, on the way back from Nevada they are on a highway called Highway 50 and it's suppose to be the lonliest highway in all of the U.S. While, Peter is driving he gets pulled over by a six-seven foot tall cop. The cop makes both Peter and Mary get in his car for the charge of having drugs.(Which it wasn't theirs) But, on the way to a town called Desperation, the cop reads them their rights and he says after the rights that he is going to kill them.

[Post:6] 159

[Post:5] Hellphone by: William Sleator

            The setting affects my story in a certain way, so far. If the main character Nick didn't live in a trailer park, and live in a big house instead. It would show that he is more wealthier then his right now and could have bought a better phone that wasn't used, and wouldn't be getting all these weird calls. Also, if he would have bought a new phone instead, he could see excately who is calling him and either answer it or not. Because, when he is poor his phone has a disabled id caller and he had to take a chance on who was calling him. And know it is his girlfriend Jen calling.

Monday, October 4, 2010

[Post:4] Finished The Adventures of Alfred Kropp.

The setting affects the tone in The Adventures of Alfred Kropp.The author makes it seems where, each character in the book has they're tone of voice. Like Bennacio, he is a descendent knight from the round table. He has a old, medieval, understanding way of tone in his voice. While Mike, has a tone of  young adult. But, he usually has a piece of gum in his mouth which changes his tone. But, the setting of the book usually makes all the character's tone change to a more nervous kind of tone in each of they're voices. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

[Post:3] 271

The setting affects the mood in my book in a certain way. But, my book doesnt have that much of a setting to it. It doesn't really explain the setting that much. but in one part that i'm at, Alfred is in Europe and he is by the stone henge. 100's of miles from home.It's really late in the night and milldew is in the grass, while Alfred is running through the grass is makes like swoosh-swoosh noises. Maybe, because the wet drops are running along the bottoms of his pants. Now that i went off subject, let's just get back on subject. The mood of the book is really suspencful. It makes you feel like your in the book, right there by the characters. Seeing everything that is happening to and around them.